When Death Occurs
Whether a death is sudden or expected, the loss of a loved one leaves a hole in the fabric of our life. When you are in a heightened emotional state, even the most basic decisions can seem staggering. This section seeks to help guide you through the immediate hours following the death of your loved one.
To notify Cremation Society of Mid-Michigan of a death, phone our office at 989-892-1772. If you need to provide a facility with our information our address is:
BAY CITY, MI 48708

When Death Occurs at Home or a Place of Business
If the person was not under hospice care, the police will have to be notified. The police will be dispatched to the place where death occurred and will place a call to the county medical examiner. From there, the medical examiner will determine whether further action is necessary, or if your loved one may be released directly into our care. Please note that the medical examiner or medical examiner investigator must direct the release of the deceased before we can do anything.
If the person was under hospice care, contact hospice, the hospice nurse must be dispatched to the residence, pronounce the death of the deceased, and notify us when you are ready to have us take your loved one into our care. Once that occurs, we will partner with you through all of the things that you must take care of next. You must remember that you are our priority and will walk with you through all of the necessary steps that follow.
When a Death Occurs at a Hospital ~ Nursing Home ~ Hospice Facility
When death occurs in a facility, such as a nursing home or hospital, the staff will contact you. At this time you must provide them with our name and phone number. You may be required to sign a form that gives the facility the necessary permission to release your loved one into our care. One of our staff members will contact you by telephone to discuss what comes next. We will answer any questions you may have about Social Security, an obituary, death certificates, insurance, life celebrations, state assistance, and Veteran's benefits.
Notification of the Cremation Society of Mid-Michigan
You will be contacted by our office either at the time of death or the following morning to discuss your wishes and plans for your loved one. It is also a good idea to phone our office to make certain the facility or Medical Examiner's Office has in fact notified our office of the death of your loved one. Our office is also available to assist you with notification of employers and insurance companies. Our experienced staff are here to help and advise you.
Making decisions and plans may seem overwhelming, especially when you are in a heightened emotional state. Do not worry, our many years of experience and service will be what helps you make informed decisions and begin healing, by moving forward. We will strive to ensure everything goes as smoothly as possible. If you are planning a life celebration AND are wanting the cremated remains present, you MUST discuss it with our staff PRIOR to confirming a date for your life celebration. We cannot promise to have cremated remains present at a life celebration if we are not aware of all time requirements.
Making Arrangements
The information about the deceased that is required by the State of Michigan for the death certificate includes:
- Full Name and Legal Address
- Marital Status
- Race and Ancestry
- Date, City , and State of Birth
- Highest Level of Education... Completed
- Father’s Name, Mother’s Name (including maiden name)
- Name of Living Spouse (including Maiden name)
- Occupation and Industry
The documents that may be required may include:
- Account Statements (if applying for financial assistance from the state)
- Beneficiary Designations
- Life Insurance Policies (if you plan to use for payment of charges)